The latest ways to connect with Illuminate
On The Edge of Systems Change: A Clubhouse Chat w/ Jorge Salazar
Jorge Salazar speaks to transnational and interdisciplinary inquiries of decolonization, the possibilities that exist, and questions we need to be asking about the relationship between Global South and Global North in this work.
Click “read more” to listen to Jorge Salazar, sharing experiences on the edge, his journey to this work, and important ways to think about how we show up in the work we do in systems change.
On the Edge of Systems Change: a Clubhouse chat with Tanya Birl
Black in Canada, Black in Theatre, Black in Systems Change.
Click “read more” to listen to Tayna Birl, founder of SoHumanity, sharing her experiences on the edge, the lessons she’s earned and the prices she’s had to pay.
Sense-making from visualising the field of systems change
The Illuminate network set out to support the emergence of systems change practice by visualising the field with hopes to create stronger connections among people, organisations and resources, and to recognise the international field with equity at it’s core.
It has been a year since we started to create a map, identifying 400 practitioners in the first iteration of this resource and are now sense-making and re-organising ourselves for the next stage.
Final Solstice Soirée of 2021: Thank You!
We are glad to have capped the year together with connection, reflection, sharing of our curiosities, challenges, ideas, and celebrations.
There were rich dialogues and inspirations for the work the Illuminate network is digging into, and that we are committed to supporting YOU with.
Read more to access the SIGNAL Report and information on the launch of the Funder Node.
Join our community
We’d love for you to join us on Mighty Networks!
This is an invitation to join Illuminate at a pivotal stage, to make new friends, accountability buddies, contribute to your own learning and inquiries, and to help us learn more collectively about what works and what doesn’t in systems change practice
Request for proposal: Illuminate Luminary Fund
This is an invitation to join Illuminate at a pivotal stage and contribute to our shared learning and inquiries. We invite you to submit a proposal specifically in one of two areas:
New Systems Change Learning Communities: Regional or thematic communities of practice in new geographic locations.
New Edgy Inquiries: Inquiries about the edges of the field of systems change practice
We invite proposals for $10,000 for each inquiry/learning community
Inquiry into the role of bridging in systems change
The Community Bridges Cohort is open to anyone working in context of marginalized spaces, identities and communities and acts as a ‘bridge’ across communities, to places of existing power or influence across the incumbent system.
SIGNAL at the Skoll World Forum
SIGNAL hosted a session at the Skoll World Forum in April: Fostering the Emergence of System Leadership Worldwide session, part of the Skoll 2020 Virtual Forum.
Speakers from Forum for the Future, Ashoka, Mastercard Foundation, Catalyst 2030, Garfield Foundation, Vibrancy Network, Social Innovation Canada, and CoCreative shared why they’re contributing to SIGNAL and why they’re investing in building system leadership.
Webinar: Convening the Capacity Builders
We hosted a webinar to hear and discuss the key themes highlighted in the new Convening the Capacity Builders report. This webinar is an opportunity to connect and discuss insights that emerged from a unique convening of systems change capacity building organizations.