SIGNAL at the Skoll World Forum

SIGNAL hosted a session at the Skoll World Forum in April: Fostering the Emergence of System Leadership Worldwide session, part of the Skoll 2020 Virtual Forum.

What is SIGNAL?

SIGNAL is a global initiative to foster the system leadership needed to address the toughest challenges faced by our communities, countries, and society.

A uniquely diverse and collaborative research initiative, SIGNAL is designed to understand the real needs of people leading systemic change around the world AND build a powerful system of learning and support to foster their success.

What happened during the session at Skoll?

Speakers from Forum for the Future, Ashoka, Mastercard Foundation, Catalyst 2030, Garfield Foundation, Vibrancy Network, Social Innovation Canada, and CoCreative shared why they’re contributing to SIGNAL and why they’re investing in building system leadership.

During the session participants learnt about SIGNAL’s research objectives, heard some of the early insights from the research so far, our plan for collaboratively expanding SIGNAL research across countries and regions, and joined a conversation about how SIGNAL research can be leveraged to build a powerful ecosystem of learning and support to foster systems leadership.

We leveraged interactive polling technology for a creative and dynamic discussion to explore system leadership, expand insights into what the field needs, and think together how we might more deeply collaborate to expand the new leadership that the world sorely needs.

Now what?

We’re inspired by the interest and momentum in exploring together how we might support people doing systems change work around the world.

SIGNAL is a step toward gaining actionable insight into what these diverse folks need to deepen, quicken, and sustain their work on our most complex challenges.

Would you like to get involved in SIGNAL? SIGNAL is a collaborative research initiative and as we advance the project, we want to connect more and more partners into the learning, sharing, and action.

  • Get the information deck we shared online, which also includes some information on Illuminate, the parent initiative of SIGNAL (and you can learn more about Illuminate here). You’ll find more information about SIGNAL plans and partners, as well as some early insights from our first interviews.

  • See and share the recording of the session.

  • Skim and comment on the session outputs in this shared document, including participant reflections, resources shared during the session, and more about who attended—and feel free to comment and add more!

You can find out more about the session’s presenters here:


Inquiry into the role of bridging in systems change


Webinar: Convening the Capacity Builders