The latest ways to connect with Illuminate
Happy Solstice! June 2023
As the season shifts to winter or summer (depending where you are!) we honor and celebrate what the changes bring and mean in our lives.
At the same time as this seasonal transition, we have been reflecting on and celebrating a transition that is happening in the Illuminate network.
2022-2023 Funder Node Collective Wisdom
The Funder Node was a 6-part series of participatory sessions and dialogues with 20 representatives from funding institutions and collaboratives from the US, Canada, and the UK who met to build relationships and grapple collectively with funding practices that most effectively support systems change.
Read more to explore the node’s Miro board which tells the fullest story through imagery, audio and video tours of the experience together as a platform for the collective wisdom of the group.
Welcoming Fabienne Pierre-Jacques as Network Director
Read on to learn more about Fabienne - Illuminate’s Network Director!
On The Edge of Systems Change: A Clubhouse Chat w/ Janvieve Williams Comrie
Janvieve Williams Comrie speaks to systems change processes, spanning the role of mothering in organizing work, being raised with systems change language, the power and importance of baby steps, moving at the speed of dynamic relationships, resilience practices, personal contradictions, blackness, and so much more.
Click “read more” to listen to Janvieve Williams Comrie sharing experiences on the edge, her journey to this work, and important lessons about being clear and honesty with oneself.
On The Edge of Systems Change: A Clubhouse Chat w/ Vanessa Mason
Vanessa Mason shares about her mermaid and freedom dreams, perspectives on funding systems change, and the importance of seeing yourself in the systems you are trying to shift.
Click “read more” to listen to a joyful and energetic conversation on the possibilities of the collective practice of systems change.
On The Edge of Systems Change: A Clubhouse Chat w/ Roberto “Tito” Soto-Carrion
A conversation with Illuminate Network Doula, Luis Alejandro Tapia, and Roberto “Tito” Soto-Carrion, social change architect and Illuminate Luminary Cohort Member.
On The Edge of Systems Change: A Clubhouse Chat w/ Lorena Garcia Duran
Illuminate Network Doula, Luis Alejandro Tapia, in conversations with Lorena Garcia Duran, Global Leader for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) at Ashoka.
On The Edge of Systems Change: A Clubhouse Chat w/ Ana Lucía Castaño Galvis
Join Illuminate Network Doula, Luis Alejandro Tapia, in conversation with Ana Lucía Castaño Galvis about socio-environmental transformation.
Fall 2022 - Power, Justice, and Systems Change Webinar Series
You are invited to an international conversation about power in the systems change field and the role of equity and justice work in changing systems.
Why Join The Funder Node?
We recently announced the launch of the Illuminate Funder Node, a 6-part dialogue series that begins in November to explore and deepen practice on supporting systems change.
In network discussions about this offering, we heard some compelling reasons for WHY someone might sign up for a peer learning series to talk about funding systems change. Read more for a few summaries of the things we heard.
Funder Node Registration is Live!
Announcing the launch of the Funder Node! 🎉 — a new node within our growing network, responding to demand from funders seeking space to gather and learn together about how to support systems change. Registration is now open!
Click “Read more” to learn more and register for our one-time, FREE Information Session happening October 5th (listed at the bottom of the page).
Welcoming Renee Fazzari as Funder Node Lead
We are excited to welcome Renee Fazzari (she, her, hers) to the Illuminate team!
Renee is an independent consultant working to bring a culture of learning, innovation, and responsiveness to philanthropy.
Read on to learn more about Renee and her role.
Article: Coaching for Awareness-Based Systems Change
New Article! Coaching for Awareness-Based Systems Change: lessons from a COVID-Era Experiment