Launch: Funder node Research 

We (Rachel & Tatiana from The Systems Sanctuary), just launched our research on the needs and opportunities for funders in their efforts to do systems change. 

We interviewed funders internationally, who are at different stages of building systemic interventions and found three groups.

  1. Curious - What is systems change? How do I apply it to my grantees? Who else is doing this? How does it work in practice? What strategies do they use? Who should I hire to help me? 

  2. Leading - at least two years in to leading a systems change initiative. Always interested in new methodology, but don’t patronise me. Have the war wounds from influencing internally. Want to meet others like me. 

  3. Questioning - Should philanthropy exist? Are we making any real difference here? I’m sick of the cognitive dissonance. How can we transform the system of philanthropy itself? 

We just presented this at Catalyst 2030 and had a great discussion about the needs in the field.

You can read the summary report and find out more here. 


Article: Coaching for Awareness-Based Systems Change


On The Edge of Systems Change: A Clubhouse Chat w/ Jorge Salazar