On the Edge of Systems Change: a Clubhouse chat with Tanya Birl
"How do we plant seeds of truth, in the institutional spaces we're in, without watering ourselves down?"
Click the “Play” symbol above to listen to the Clubhouse Chat
We got a chance to kick it with Tanya Birl, founder of SoHumanity and creator of the Embodying Change workshop series and retreat which focuses on the Rights of the Body and how we can reclaim them as an act of liberation. She's also a member of the Illuminate network that's done amazing work in our Bridging for Systems Change Node.
Systems change initiatives are often led from the center of the existing systems we seek to change. Yet, we know that systems change practitioners are working in diverse contexts, communities, doing systems change under different disciplines, using different languages, frameworks, methodologies and coming from various lineages of thought and practice. It is also clear that we need a strong, diverse and connected field of systems change leaders to address the complexity and scope of the problems of the 21st century.
“On the Edge of Systems Change” utilizes the Clubhouse application, to illuminate the voices of Systems Change Practitioners committed to centering equity and sharing different ways of knowing and deepening our systems change practices. These conversations center people and perspectives from individuals working “on the edges” of the systems change field. It is an opportunity for candid conversation with time and space for listeners to contribute thoughts via chat and to be “handed the mic,” to ask questions or share reflections.
Launched in 2022, this series is hosted by Illuminate Network Doula, Luis Alejandro Tapia.