On The Edge of Systems Change: A Clubhouse Chat w/ Janvieve Williams Comrie

“A lot of people want to rush through and get to that big huge outcome which is not going to come unless we deal with the simple stuff, which is the sticky, murky stuff, which is going to sustain the long haul. And that is mothering of the long haul.”

Click the “Play” symbol above to listen to the Clubhouse Chat

Featured Song: Te invito, Herencia de Timbiquí

Janvieve Williams Comrie and Illuminate Network Doula, Luis Alejandro Tapia discuss systems change processes, spanning the role of mothering in organizing work, being raised with systems change language, the power and importance of baby steps, moving at the speed of dynamic relationships, resilience practices, personal contradictions, blackness, and so much more.

Janvieve Williams Comrie is a Black and Latina human rights strategist, trainer and organizer with a deep commitment to assist in the building of powerful social movements for racial justice and human rights. Janvieve serves social movements as a strategist, facilitator and strategic planning consultant. She is the founder of the AfroResistance, an organization committed to human rights, racial justice and gender justice in the Americas. Janvieve is internationally recognized for her work with Afrodescendent communities.

Learn more about Janvieve HERE.

Illuminate’s Power, Justice and Systems Change Webinar Series is an international conversation about power and the role of equity and justice work in changing systems.

Systems change initiatives are often led from the center of the existing systems we seek to change. Yet, we know that systems change practitioners are working in diverse contexts, communities, doing systems change under different disciplines, using different languages, frameworks, methodologies and coming from various lineages of thought and practice. It is also clear that we need a strong, diverse and connected field of systems change leaders to address the complexity and scope of the problems of the 21st century. 

“On the Edge of Systems Change”  utilizes the Clubhouse application, to illuminate the voices of Systems Change Practitioners committed to centering equity and sharing different ways of knowing and deepening our systems change practices. These conversations center people and perspectives from individuals working “on the edges” of the systems change field. It is an opportunity for candid conversation with time and space for listeners to contribute thoughts via chat and to be “handed the mic,” to ask questions or share reflections.

Launched in 2022, this series is hosted by Illuminate Network Doula, Luis Alejandro Tapia.


Welcoming Fabienne Pierre-Jacques as Network Director


On The Edge of Systems Change: A Clubhouse Chat w/ Vanessa Mason