On The Edge of Systems Change: A Clubhouse Chat w/ Roberto “Tito” Soto-Carrion
“There are a lot of learnings that we can take from the natural world, going back to emergent strategy, to inform what it means for us to be in right relationship as we work to build new systems. And that's where I think about abolition as not tearing down or ending, but new beginnings, right? This idea of abolition for me it really is about creating new possibilities that currently don't exist, that currently aren't part of the reality.”
Click the “Play” symbol above to listen to the Clubhouse Chat
Featured song: Ojitos Lindos, Bad Bunny • Bomba Estéreo
Host, Luis Alejandro Tapia and Roberto Tito ́ Soto-Carrión talk about freedom dreams, fatherhood as systems change, justice in our education systems, “the margins as the new default,” examples and inspiration from living systems, vulnerability as a transformative practice, the strength in slowing down, and so, so, so much more 🔥.
Tito is an equity-centered facilitator, strategist, educator, coach, and researcher, living and working at the intersection of anti-racism and emergent strategy. He has worked with leaders, organizations, and networks on the front lines of social change, educational equity, anti-racism, and youth power for nearly two decades.
As a social change architect, Tito supports racial justice advocates to build political analysis, skills, and leadership for dismantling structural racism and oppression. Grounded in strong relationships, he co-creates pathways for organizational change and actionable opportunities for equity.
Learn more about Tito here.
Tito is a 2022 Luminary Cohort member. Learn more about the learning community below.
The Luminary Cohort
Through the Luminary Fund, we have been able to cultivate a small group of systems leaders and practitioners (Luminaries) from around the world with diverse contexts and identities to form a learning community.
These Luminaries:
pursue inquires about the edges of the field of systems change practice
contribute to and thought partner around system change learnings and experimentation
catalyze new Systems Change Learning Communities outside of the UK, US, and Canada.
Learn more about the 2022 Luminary Cohort here.
Systems change initiatives are often led from the center of the existing systems we seek to change. Yet, we know that systems change practitioners are working in diverse contexts, communities, doing systems change under different disciplines, using different languages, frameworks, methodologies and coming from various lineages of thought and practice. It is also clear that we need a strong, diverse and connected field of systems change leaders to address the complexity and scope of the problems of the 21st century.
“On the Edge of Systems Change” utilizes the Clubhouse application, to illuminate the voices of Systems Change Practitioners committed to centering equity and sharing different ways of knowing and deepening our systems change practices. These conversations center people and perspectives from individuals working “on the edges” of the systems change field. It is an opportunity for candid conversation with time and space for listeners to contribute thoughts via chat and to be “handed the mic,” to ask questions or share reflections.
Launched in 2022, this series is hosted by Illuminate Network Doula, Luis Alejandro Tapia.